
Below are some of the important policies of Tower Vision:


CSR Policy

We believe in delivering beyond the usual expectation of ethical standards. We have established unique ways in which we can give back to the society and have taken initiatives that create value for the nation.

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Sexual Harassment Policy

Sexual Harassment Policy

Tower Vision strictly prohibits all sorts of harassment, including sexual harassment. The Sexual Harassment policy of Tower Vision expresses our zero tolerance towards any kind of sexual harassment and unfair or unjust behaviour.

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Code of Conduct

We believe that our partners are the extension of our image, and their conduct strongly reflects upon the Company. Therefore, the Company has devised a Code of Conduct which clearly demonstrates the basic principles to be followed and adhered by our Suppliers while conducting business with Tower Vision.

Code of Conduct for suppliers
Code of Conduct for employees

Vigil Mechanism

We are devoted to complying with the highest standards of ethical conduct. Under this policy, we encourage our members to come forward and report any unethical conduct on a good faith basis.

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TVI’s core values serve as the guiding light for TVI culture, decisions, and success. They shape a collaborative work environment where empowered and motivated employees strive towards shared goals. By attracting and retaining talent and Partners who share these values, we build a strong and diverse team. TVI commit to ethical and responsible decisions that benefit all stakeholders, driving innovation and continuous improvement to remain competitive and achieve sustainable growth. We earn trust and loyalty from customers and partners by consistently embodying our values in all we do. These principles are the foundation upon which we build our future, together.

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